The UCI Alt Protein Project

Mobilizing the next generation of scientists and innovators to build a more sustainable and ethical future

What is the Alt Protein Project?

The Good Food Institute (GFI) is an international nonprofit reimagining meat production. The Alt Protein Project is a global student movement initiated by GFI that is dedicated to turning universities into engines for alternative protein education, research, and innovation. Students are the driving force behind the Alt Protein Project, which is building momentum at universities around the world.

Our Objectives

Why should we care?

What are Alternative Proteins?

Alt Protein Project Global Chapter Map

Build a fun, fulfilling, and inclusive community for students and researchers interested in alternative proteins.

Stimulate open-access research that enables innovation in plant-based meat, cultivated meat, and fermentation.

Organize events and conferences that generate awareness and excitement, propel innovation, and cultivate new ideas around alternative proteins

Conventional livestock farming exacerbates climate change through significant greenhouse gas emissions, contributes to deforestation, and poses a threat to biodiversity. The resource-intensive nature of traditional agriculture also causes unjust water scarcity and land degradation. By emphasizing alternative proteins, derived from plant-based or cultivated sources, we address these critical issues, promoting a sustainable and resilient food system that minimizes environmental harm while meeting the nutritional needs of a growing global population.

GFI defines alternative proteins as meat, egg, or dairy products that are plant-based, fermentation-derived, or cultivated. They enable a food system that provides people with the foods they love — just produced without conventional animal agriculture.

Plant-based meat uses plant ingredients, such as pea and soy protein, to mimic and develop novel meat, dairy, and egg products.

Fermentation involves growing microorganisms to produce biomass (often fungi) and ingredients like proteins, flavors, fats, and more!

Also known as also known as cell-based or lab-grown meat, this method involves growing genuine animal meat directly from animal stem cells.

Let's create a better future together

Join the UCI Alt Protein Project

Let's create a better future together

Join the UCI Alt Protein Project